Smoking Cessation Program

Ready to Quit Smoking?

If you are ready to stop smoking call 203.276.QUIT. Our program is covered by most insurance plans.

Stamford Hospital offers a tobacco dependence treatment program at our hospital’s main campus. This program is comprised of multiple one-on-one customized sessions with a Trained Tobacco Specialist. Our staff will personally guide you through a comprehensive and proven program aimed at breaking your addiction to tobacco forever. Through private counseling sessions and in many cases, the use of pharmacological agents, this program has been shown to greatly improve the long term success rate for individuals who are trying to quit.

It's never too late to quit! No matter how long or how much you have smoked, quitting will have both immediate and long term health benefits. One of our trained counselors will be happy to speak with you and schedule a private appointment. At your first meeting you will learn more about the program and why this program is regarded as the best way to help you become free from tobacco addiction and put you on the road to a new and healthier life. Your counselor will help you select a QUIT date and provide you with the tools to help you be successful.

Important Facts You Should Know:

  • Stopping smoking is hard!
  • More than 40% of smokers attempt to quit smoking on their own every year. Unfortunately less than 3% are successful.
  • Combining medication (nicotine replacement, for example) with counseling increases long-term success to over 30%
  • A smoker may spend up to $10 per pack for cigarettes, that's $70 per week, $3,460 per year. If you smoke two packs per day that's $7,280 per year!

Health Problems & Illnesses Caused By Smoking:

  • Lung cancer as well as cancers of the esophagus, larynx, throat and mouth
  • Emphysema and Chronic Bronchitis
  • Worsening of asthma and respiratory infections
  • Heart and circulatory system problems including heart attack and stroke
  • High blood pressure and complications with pregnancy
  • Tooth and Gum Disease
  • Premature aging and wrinkling and yellowing of teeth and fingers
  • In addition second hand smoke is known to cause health risks to both adults and children who are exposed to it

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