Christine K's Story

The Bennett Cancer Center helped me beat my cancer and is why I’m here today.

A cancer diagnosis is never easy, but for Christine, a registered nurse, it was particularly difficult. At 45 she was diagnosed with Triple Negative Breast Cancer, a rare and aggressive form of cancer that affects less than 20% of patients. Christine could have gone anywhere to receive her cancer treatment, but despite the seriousness of her diagnosis, Christine’s experience as a nurse made her decision of where to fight her cancer an easy one.

From the beginning, the Bennett Cancer Center at Stamford Hospital was, as Christine calls it, “awesome.” She was especially appreciative of her nurse navigator who made her appointments, answered her questions, and was a caring shoulder for her to cry on when she needed it most. Her oncologist, Dr. Steve Lo, was also reassuring and confident. His positive attitude and encouragement gave Christine and her family the strength they needed to fight. 

The level of care and personal attention Christine received at the Bennett Cancer Center were, in her words “more than she ever expected.” As part of that care, Christine also took advantage of additional support services including Reiki, massage and post-treatment exercise. All free of charge, courtesy of the amazing efforts of Hope In Motion, a year-round fundraising effort to support Stamford Hospital’s Bennett Cancer Center’s programs and services.

Moving forward, Christine’s journey looks to be even more meaningful and bright thanks to her positive experience at the Bennett Cancer Center. She has even been able to continue working in the medical field, becoming a Visiting Nurse, a career direction she has always wanted to explore.

We believe every patient deserves thoughtful, compassionate care backed by an extraordinary team of professionals - and that's what you can expect at the Bennet Cancer Center. We offer patients a superior level of clinical care with access to world-class physicians, skilled nurses, and the latest in treatment options and supportive services. All of these resources are accessible and convenient, allowing patients the comfort of being treated closer to home. 

Our Physicians

Michael H. Bar
Hematology, Medical Oncology

(203) 276-2695

Christopher J Del Prete
Hematology, Medical Oncology

(203) 276-2695

Salvatore A. Del Prete
Hematology, Medical Oncology

(203) 276-2695

Mandy S Greenberg
Breast Surgery

(203) 846-8885

Anthony  Gulati
Hematology, Medical Oncology

(203) 276-2695

Steve  Lo
Hematology, Medical Oncology

(203) 276-2695

Antonio I Picon
Surgical Oncology

(203) 276-2410

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Kelsey  Sokol
Hematology, Medical Oncology

(203) 276-2695

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