Executive, Corporate and Occupational Health Services

Contact Us at 203.276.2442 to learn more. Executive, Corporate & Occupational Health Services, Tully Health Center, 4th Floor, Suite 10, 32 Strawberry Hill Court Stamford, CT 06902.

Executive Physical And Corporate Wellness

Many business owners have discovered a healthy executive team drives a healthy business. The Executive Health and Wellness Program caters to busy executives, offering flexible ways to get team members in and out in a timely manner and on to a healthier way of life.

Our program works within the constraints of your schedule to provide you with an efficient yet complete medical evaluation. When you arrive for your visit, your concierge will take the time to understand any concerns or issues you may have before acting as a guide throughout the entire evaluation process. At the end of your evaluation, your dedicated physician will review the full report of test results with you and discuss next steps. Although your visit is streamlined, the connection you make with Stamford Health is lasting. Participants in our program benefit from a trusted medical partner and often return annually to meet with the physicians who helped them launch their journey toward good health.

Employee Health Clinics

Our Occupational Health Clinics improve the overall health, well-being and productivity of employees. These clinics provide on-site access to acute care and wellness services which reduces the amount of time employees spend away from work visiting off-site healthcare providers. In addition, our services help companies identify occupational health and safety risks, such as poorly designed workstations that result in back and neck problems. Educational programs and screenings provide preventive care. Stamford Hospital's resources provide an array of additional services ranging from primary care referrals, physical therapy, nutrition consultants, thereby assisting employees in attaining and maintaining optimal health. Staffed by Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (APRNs), each of our clinics is unique as it is tailored to provide services to reflect the demographics, culture and needs of those served.

Telemedicine Program

The Emergency Room (ER) has become the new family doctor. Sixty-four percent of 120 million ER visits require only basic medical services and are not emergencies. Studies show that 66% of doctor visits are merely informational in nature and could be substituted with a telemedicine visit. Staffed by our Medical Assistants, our program provides screenings and treats minor conditions on-site, without a trip to a healthcare provider's office. Clients can speak with a Stamford Hospital physician via video conference who can diagnose illness, recommend treatment and make recommendations for follow up care. (Insurance cards are accepted with applicable co-pays.)

Conditions Treated Include:

  • Allergies
  • Bumps and bruises
  • Cold/flu
  • Earaches 
  • Eye infections
  • Insect bites
  • Pregnancy tests
  • Rashes
  • Sore throats/rapid strep tests
  • Sinus infections
  • Urinary tract infection 

Screenings (non-invasive and invasive):

  • Cholesterol with glucose
  • A1C
  • Blood pressure with heart rate
  • Body mass composition (BMI)
  • Blood oxygen level
  • Weight
  • Temperature
  • Various health risk assessments
  • Urinalysis 

Wellness Services


Transform your stress and create better health and resilience. Learn to reduce your stress and anxiety, develop self-regulation skills and build mental and emotional resilience. You can increase your internal awareness and develop more self-empowerment skills to achieve the health you want.

Stress affects the body physically, mentally and emotionally. It is not the event that creates stress, it is how we respond to it. Emotions have a powerful impact on the human body. Positive emotions like appreciation, care and kindness feel good and are good for us. They help the systems in our body synchronize and work more efficiently.

Research has shown that when we intentionally shift to a positive emotion, the heart rhythms immediately change. The shift in heart rhythms creates a favorable cascade of neural, hormonal and biochemical events that benefit the entire body.

When we are stressed, the body is out of sync. The depleting emotions we feel, like anger, frustration, anxiety and worry lead to disorder in the nervous system. Renewing emotions like appreciation, care and kindness create order, which is called coherence. Coherence leads to mental clarity, creativity and resiliency.

Our certified practitioners teach clients to practice the Quick Coherence® technique daily to reduce the effects of stress, and use the HeartMath technology to see changes in the body and sustain them. The technique exercised properly is a simple and easy way to interrupt the stress response. Use it 3-4 times a day for a few minutes. Good times to use it are first thing in the morning, before going to sleep at night and during lunch time. Also, use it whenever a stressful event occurs and when you want to re-balance, get an energy boost and gain more mental clarity.

WellCoach® Services

Our certified Wellcoaches® deliver a gold standard of education and support. Our practitioners facilitate behavior change that generates sustainable healthy lifestyles, which prevent or treat disease, and foster well-being and thriving. Private on-site sessions, group sessions and telephonic sessions are available. This program is helpful to those working on weight loss, healthier lifestyles, personal and professional goals.

Prepare For Surgery/Heal Faster Program™

This one-hour workshop is based on the book and teachings of nationally recognized author Peggy Huddleston. Our certified practitioners can facilitate a private "in person" session or a telephonic session for busy employees. Workshop participants receive a "Prepare for Surgery, Heal Faster" CD.

An analysis of 191 research studies with 8,600 patients documents that people who prepared for surgery using mind-body techniques had less pain, fewer complications and recovered sooner. In addition, patients report they:

  • Feel calmer before surgery
  • Use less pain medication
  • Recover faster

"I recommend this program to all who require surgery and want to recover faster."
– Andrew T. Weil, MD
Director, Program in Integrative Medicine
College of Medicine, University of Arizona


Stamford Hospital is the number one choice when it comes to organizing and executing the best Health Fair event that you will ever have in your corporation. No matter how small or how big, we strive for a flawless execution when we become a company's trusted partner. We help companies achieve their goals in order to improve the health and wellness of their employees.
Contact our team and learn how we can help you save money on your next health and wellness event.

A La Carte Services

Travel Kits / Immunizations
Planning an international business trip or vacation? We can deliver this service at your convenience on-site.

Vitamin Therapies
Work with our licensed pharmacists and physicians to maximize your health and wellness.

Men's and Women's Health Services
Our practitioners tailor wellness services to meet the unique needs of our clients.

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