travel medicine at stamford health

Talk to Us

If you have questions about your upcoming trip, call us at 203.353.1427. We are located here:

29 Hospital Plaza, Suite 605
Stamford, CT 06902

Taking a trip? Our travel medicine experts can help you prepare for a safe and healthy experience.

International travel, whether for business, pleasure or study abroad, is not without risk for disease and other life-threatening hazards. A consultation with a travel medicine specialist prior to your departure can provide peace of mind and help prevent serious illness or injury while in a foreign country. Consultations are provided by board-certified physicians who specialize in infectious diseases and travel medicine.

The typical travel consultation takes approximately 30–45 minutes including vaccinations, and should take place one month before your departure date. Last-minute travelers may be accommodated, depending upon their travel destination.

Your comprehensive travel consultation will be tailored to your itinerary. It will include identification and review of specific health risks and safety precautions associated with your destination(s) as well as your personal medical history. Depending upon your destination, we will also address:

  • Required and recommended vaccinations for preventable diseases such as hepatitis A and B, typhoid, yellow fever and meningitis
  • Malaria prevention
  • Traveler’s diarrhea prevention
  • Insect-borne illness prevention
  • Discussion of basic preventive measures related to food and beverage consumption

You will leave our office with a customized, printed Travax® Traveler Health Report summarizing all health concerns discussed during your consultation. The report, based on the most current information from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the World Health Organization, will also outline the official health requirements for your destination(s) and provide essential information about:

  • Travel advisories from consular websites
  • Resources for medical care at your destination(s)
  • Recommendations for avoiding crime and accidents
  • Transportation and road hazards and the availability of basic infrastructure such as water and electricity

We accept most insurance plans. Consult your plan prior to your visit to determine if our services are covered.

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