Compassionate Care In Comfortable, Family-Friendly Spaces

The Steven & Alexandra Cohen Children’s Institute at Stamford Health is proud to offer parents and children a cheery, caring environment in the Cohen Pediatric Unit. With a kid-friendly nautical theme featuring bright colors and private, spacious rooms, the unit was designed to make children feel at home.

  • From pre-admission and continuing throughout your child’s stay, our medical team is dedicated to delivering high-quality, compassionate care.
  • We are the only hospital in lower Fairfield County with pediatric hospitalists providing advanced in-house, family-friendly care 24/7.
  • The Cohen Pediatric Unit features thoughtfully designed spaces with children and families in mind. Throughout the unit there are kid-friendly touches like play areas for siblings and lounges for families. We equipped each of the patient rooms with advanced technology and equipment meant for the care of pediatric patients.
  • Additional features include David’s Treasure Chest, a toy closet for your child to enjoy; pull-out beds in all rooms for one parent to stay overnight; and games for kids available via our Get Well Network.

A Closer Look At Our Inpatient Unit

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Our whimsical under-the-sea theme features soothing nautical designs throughout the 10 private patient rooms with individual bathrooms.
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Each patient’s room is equipped with the latest health care technology and equipment for the medical team – and plenty of space for parents to work and stay overnight.
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Just like their favorite restaurant, we have a special kid-friendly menu for patients.
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If your child requires more complex care, they may stay in one of our rooms designated as the Herbert and Nell Singer Care Unit, which are located close to the care station.
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Because a hospital stay doesn’t only affect the patient, our unit features a play area for patients and siblings, a kitchen, and family lounge.
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Before discharge, each patient visits David’s Treasure Chest to choose a toy to take home after their stay. David’s Treasure Chest honors the memory of David Bennett Kanarek of Greenwich who, at the age of 15, lost his battle with leukemia in 2000.

How To Prepare Your Child For A Hospital Stay

For many children, the idea of staying in the hospital can be scary and confusing. As many of our pediatric team are parents as well, we take every effort to make your child’s experience as comfortable and easy as possible. We encourage parents to speak with their child often ahead of surgery to answer any questions they have or express their feelings and concerns. Here are a few tips to get the conversation started:

  • If your child is old enough to comprehend and have full conversations, we recommend telling him or her in advance about his or her medical condition, treatment, and upcoming stay.
  • Be prepared for all sorts of questions. Explain gently and honestly what he or she can expect. It may be helpful to use euphemisms to make the experience seem less frightening. For example, instead of saying “put to sleep” when talking about surgery, you can talk about a special sleeping medicine.
  • Reassurance is key. Tell your child that someone they love will always be nearby during their stay.
  • Encouragement makes a difference. Help your child engage with Stamford Hospital’s pediatric hospitalists and nurses — they are his or her allies. Persuade your child to express feelings, fears, and fantasies. That includes saying it’s OK to cry, and especially to laugh.
  • Make your child feel at home. Feel free to pack his or her favorite items like toys, a favorite book, or a cozy blanket for comfort.
  • Understand hospitalization affects the whole family. Bring siblings along for a visit. Keep in mind — they may also find this experience both challenging and stressful — so keep them informed as best as you can.

We sincerely hope your child never has to stay in the hospital. If a hospital stay is inevitable, you can take comfort in knowing your child is in the hands of a caring, professional and highly skilled team.

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