Wound Care and Hyperbaric Center

The Wound Care and Hyperbaric Center is located at 29 Hospital Plaza; Suite 470. We're open Monday-Friday from 8 AM-4 PM. If you have questions or need assistance, call 203.276.2486.

Working to improve wound treatment and prevention

We offer a full range of services for treating hard-to-heal wounds:

  • Wound evaluation with diagnostic assessment
  • Non-invasive vascular studies
  • Advanced wound therapies
  • Debridement (removal of unhealthy tissue)
  • Bioengineered skin grafts/substitutes
  • Biologic and biosynthetic dressings
  • Growth factor therapies
  • Hyperbaric oxygen therapy, including diabetic wound, osteomyelitis, and arterial wounds post-vascular surgery
  • Negative pressure wound therapies (wound vacuums)
  • Treatment of wound, skin and bone infections (osteomyelitis)
  • Patient and family education

State-of-the-Art Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber Therapy

Stamford Health’s gold standard for chronic wound healing treatment is our hyperbaric oxygen chamber. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is given by specially trained staff and physicians who oversee the administration of 100 percent oxygen. This pressurized oxygen aids in fighting infection (including bone infection), and stimulates growth of new blood vessels to speed up wound healing.

During your two-hour hyperbaric oxygen treatment, you:

  • Rest comfortably in a specially designed pressurized chamber
  • Are encouraged to bring your favorite DVDs or CDs and can also watch cable television on the TV sets just outside the clear chambers. (Reading materials, electronics and jewelry are not permitted in the chamber during therapy).

Wound Care Education

One of our major goals is to help prevent chronic wounds from occurring in the first place. That’s why we educate you on prevention to both reduce recurrence of wounds and maintain healing. Our goal is to send you and your family home well informed.

With you in mind, we also attend hospital fairs and present at local senior centers and community organizations to spread the word about treatment and prevention. We strive to teach more people in the community to know the risk factors for wound development and how to best manage them.

Wounds We Treat

Our Wound Care team provides treatment for many chronic, non-healing wounds, including those caused by diabetic foot ulcers. It’s important to understand that a chronic, non-healing wound is not a disease, but actually a result of underlying condition(s) not having healed in a timely fashion. These types of wounds, common among 25.8 million Americans with diabetes, require special attention.

The chronic wounds we treat include:

Integrated Care Pavilion


29 Hospital Plaza
Suite 470
Stamford, CT 06902

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