5 Nutrition Tips for Cancer Patients [Infographic]

Published: May 24, 2017

This post originally appeared on the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute Insight blog. Reprinted with permission.

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A healthy, balanced diet is an important part of cancer treatment and survivorship. The right foods can promote strength and overall wellness in patients, as well as lower cancer risk. And adopting certain eating habits can also help combat common side effects of treatment, including nausea and weight loss.

Here are some nutrition tips for cancer patients and caregivers, including how to properly balance your plate and boost immune function.

Nutrition Tips for Cancer Patients: Infographic
Nutrition Tips for Cancer Patients: Infographic
Nutrition Tips for Cancer Patients: Infographic
Nutrition Tips for Cancer Patients: Infographic
Nutrition Tips for Cancer Patients: Infographic
Nutrition Tips for Cancer Patients: Infographic

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