Photographer Honors Cancer Survivors through "Portraits of Hope" Series

Published: September 29, 2015

By:Elizabeth Manfredo, Service Line Director, Bennett Cancer Center

Stamford resident Tim Coffey is no stranger to the hospital environment. Ten years ago he began volunteering in the Hospital’s Oncology Unit and has since then completed our No One Dies Alone training to serve as a compassionate bedside companion to terminally ill patients.

“My mother is a nurse and so I learned early on what it is like to support others in their time of need,” says Coffey. “When I started my own photography business, I knew I wanted to be able to use that inspiration and give back to my community in my own way.”

This year, Coffey spent several weeks with cancer survivors who were all treated at the Bennett Cancer Center. He photographed 10 individuals who’ve battled a variety of diagnoses and learned their stories. The result is “Portraits of Hope,” a dignified portrait series that highlights the strength and spirit of each individual.

“It’s very courageous of these people to share their stories with the community,” said Coffey. “Hopefully this project will touch people, it will inspire them and give them a little comfort and hope.”

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