Mark's Story: Clinical Trial with the Dana-Farber/Brigham and Women's Cancer Care Collaborative

Published: March 30, 2021

Mark is a Philadelphia resident who recently began a clinical trial with the Dana Farber Cancer Institute in Boston, Massachusetts. For the first month of his treatment, he travelled nearly 6 hours one way to receive his care. After recently learning of the partnership Stamford Health had with Dana Farber Cancer Institute/Brigham and Women's, he was able to cut his travel time significantly and begin treatment at the Carl & Dorothy Bennett Cancer Center.

From the very start, Mark was incredibly relieved to be able to receive care at half the distance. Not only did he find solace in the proximity of the Bennett Cancer Center to his home, but found the little acts of offered kindness to be particularly special. At each visit, he is greeted by friendly staff, a clean facility and knowledgeable nurses who have worked alongside his physician to thoroughly explain each component of the clinical trial. Mark was also given a small gift basket from the Infusion Center which includes a cozy blanket he brings along with him for additional comfort.

The clinical trial, he stated, is different than other cancer treatments because he does not feel the intense side effects after each visit. This helps him to maintain a sense of normalcy, he confirmed. Undergoing treatment has certainly not thwarted Mark from living his live to the fullest. He has been thankful to remain working and maintaining his busy lifestyle as a father of four and a husband of nearly 30 years. He even still finds time to enjoy himself in other ways such as riding his motorcycle, spending time with family, and enjoying live music (pre-pandemic, of course!).

Mark describes his experiences as receiving, “cutting-edge treatment by people who care.”

He is hopeful for the future and is truly grateful for the team at the Bennett Cancer Center at Stamford Health.

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