Which Cancers Should Men Be Screened For?

Published: June 27, 2017

This post originally appeared on the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute Insight blog. Reprinted with permission.

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Studies show that men are often less likely than women to keep up with regular doctor’s visits, or be honest about their symptoms, which may contribute to worse health outcomes.

Being vigilant about health care screenings is one of the best things you can do to prevent cancers or detect them early, including the most common cancers in men: prostate, lung, colorectal, bladder, and melanoma.

View the slideshow below to learn which cancers men should be screened for – and when – and encourage the men in your life to take care of their physical and emotional health.

What Men Need to Know About Cancer Screening- Dana Farber Cancer Institute - Stamford Health Blog  What Men Need to Know About Cancer Screening- Dana Farber Cancer Institute - Stamford Health Blog  What Men Need to Know About Cancer Screening- Dana Farber Cancer Institute - Stamford Health Blog  What Men Need to Know About Cancer Screening- Dana Farber Cancer Institute - Stamford Health Blog  What Men Need to Know About Cancer Screening- Dana Farber Cancer Institute - Stamford Health Blog  What Men Need to Know About Cancer Screening- Dana Farber Cancer Institute - Stamford Health Blog  What Men Need to Know About Cancer Screening- Dana Farber Cancer Institute - Stamford Health Blog  What Men Need to Know About Cancer Screening- Dana Farber Cancer Institute - Stamford Health Blog  What Men Need to Know About Cancer Screening- Dana Farber Cancer Institute - Stamford Health Blog  What Men Need to Know About Cancer Screening- Dana Farber Cancer Institute - Stamford Health Blog  What Men Need to Know About Cancer Screening- Dana Farber Cancer Institute - Stamford Health Blog  What Men Need to Know About Cancer Screening- Dana Farber Cancer Institute - Stamford Health Blog  What Men Need to Know About Cancer Screening- Dana Farber Cancer Institute - Stamford Health Blog  What Men Need to Know About Cancer Screening- Dana Farber Cancer Institute - Stamford Health Blog  What Men Need to Know About Cancer Screening- Dana Farber Cancer Institute - Stamford Health Blog  What Men Need to Know About Cancer Screening- Dana Farber Cancer Institute - Stamford Health Blog  What Men Need to Know About Cancer Screening- Dana Farber Cancer Institute - Stamford Health Blog

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