Paint the Town Pink & Raise Breast Cancer Awareness

Published: October 01, 2019

By Stamford Health Staff

Stamford-PTTP_Logo.jpgStamford Health’s Carl and Dorothy Bennett Cancer Center and Breast Center is “painting the town pink!” Every year in October, we see cities, towns and communities in our area, decked out in pink in support of national Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

But this month is more than just the color “pink.”

People step out in full support of those who have breast cancer, who have survived breast cancer and those who have lost a loved one to breast cancer.

They take part in one or more of our Paint the Town Pink events. With events throughout October, Stamford Health has partnered with a number of local businesses, organizations and members of the community to offer an exciting line up of social and educational (not to mention, fun!) outings.

Paint the Town Pink also stresses the importance of regular screenings, and we know that mammograms can save lives by finding breast cancer as early as possible. Joining us at Paint the Town Pink events means you are helping us provide free screening mammograms for eligible women who are uninsured in our community. That’s because proceeds from various Paint the Town Pink events help support Stamford Health’s breast cancer programs, as part of the hospital’s ongoing fundraising campaign, Hope in Motion.

To see this month’s events, request a mammogram and more, please go here.

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