COVID is Surging. Here's What to Do.

Published: December 22, 2021

How to protect yourself as much as possible against all variants of COVID-19, including Omicron

COVID-19 cases are spiking at concerning rates and the fast-spreading Omicron will become the dominant variant. No one wants to face another big wave of COVID, especially around the holidays, which is why it’s so important for each of us to do our part to turn the tide and stay safe.

It starts with doing these three things:

1. Please get vaccinated, and if eligible, get a booster shot ASAP.

The majority of hospitalized COVID-19 patients are unvaccinated, so the best thing you can do is to get fully vaccinated and then boosted when you are eligible. We know getting a Pfizer or Moderna booster shot will give you better protection against the Omicron variant. Don’t wait—book an appointment right now at Stamford Health or elsewhere in the community.

2. Wear your mask.

We fully support Mayor Simmons and her reinstatement of the mask mandate in Stamford. As we’ve seen before, universal masking can significantly reduce the spread of infection.

3. Seek out testing.

If you’ve been exposed, get tested. If you have symptoms, get tested, seek care and avoid exposing others. If you’re planning to see loved ones, use an at-home test kit. Look for an available appointment at Stamford Health or elsewhere in the community.

We’ve been here before, and we can come together again to stop the spread of COVID-19. We are well prepared to care for COVID-19 patients, and to continue providing the routine healthcare services you rely on to keep you healthy and safe. That means staying up to date with your appointments and other immunizations like the flu shot, and not delaying the care you need. Have a happy and safe holiday season and thank you for entrusting Stamford Health with your care.

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