Set Achievable Goals for a Healthy Weight

Published: January 07, 2021

Yojana Patil, RN, Program Manager, Center for Surgical Weight Loss, Stamford Health

It’s a new year! Your attention turns to how you can grow and change to feel better in the future. New Year’s resolutions are a great way to set goals and positive intentions, especially those concerning your health. The challenge, however, is that many resolutions fade by the spring because they’re unrealistic and not set up for long-term success. 

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For information, call 203-276-2370.

For a physician referral, please call
1-877-233-WELL (9355).

As you work to achieve your weight, health and overall wellness goals, consider the following tips: 

  • See—and feel—the benefits of exercise.
  • Watch your weight with a BMI calculator.
  • Make your meals satisfying and healthy.

1. Regular exercise makes a world of difference.
Exercising regularly is one of the best things you can do for your health. (No, you don’t need to run a marathon or commit to a grueling workout.) Soon after you start exercising, you’ll begin to see and feel the benefits that physical activity can have on your body and well-being. Are you determined to start exercising, but have cold feet?

Take this quiz to get started.

2. Know your body, and then set a healthy weight goal.

Have you made a resolution to start reducing your weight? Knowing your body mass index (BMI) will help give you a better idea of how much weight you should aim to lose.

Use this BMI calculator to set a realistic target.

3. Take advantage of the most important meal of the day.

Starting your morning off right sets the tone for the rest of the day, so make breakfast count!

This is a super easy recipe that you can incorporate in your meal prep plans and customize to your liking. It takes the heartiness of eggs, with the flavor of different veggies, and the zing of feta cheese to a whole new level!

Each serving contains only about 110 calories, 1.46 grams of fat, 9.56 grams of carbohydrates, 5.83 grams of sugar, 1 gram of fiber, and 14 grams of protein. Mix and match your favorite veggies and spices to create different variations of the recipe.

Get the breakfast casserole recipe.

Are you or is a loved one considering a lifestyle change?

It’s definitely not easy to lose weight, or to keep the weight off for that matter. For many people, diet and exercise alone, while beneficial, are not enough. That’s because obesity is a complicated matter and also considered a chronic disease that requires not just discipline, but lifelong treatment.

The experts at Stamford Health’s Center for Surgical Weight Loss are here to help you understand your options if you’re considering weight loss surgery as part of your journey toward improving your health. Depending on your needs and lifestyle, weight loss surgery can improve or even eliminate major health issues caused by obesity such as diabetes, heart disease, high cholesterol, depression, and more.

Learn more about weight loss surgery at Stamford Health.

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