Joint Commission Names Stamford Hospital as Top Performer

Published: November 17, 2014

By: Rohit Bhalla, MD, MPH, Vice President of Quality and Chief Quality Officer

I am pleased to announce that Stamford Hospital was the only hospital in lower Fairfield County, and among 19% of accredited US hospitals, recognized by The Joint Commission for achieving excellence across a number of medical and surgical care areas. To be recognized, Stamford Hospital had to achieve a compliance rate of 95% or higher across 20 measurements of care.

The achievement demonstrates our commitment to assuring that evidence-based interventions are delivered in the right way and at the right time – and is the best care for our patients. We were recognized for excelling in quality benchmarks for several medical and surgical areas, specifically for Heart Attack, Heart Failure, Pneumonia and Surgical Care.

You can read more about this honor and what Stamford Hospital is continually doing to provide patient safety and quality. The Top Performer recognitions were announced on November 13 when The Joint Commission published its “America's Hospitals: Improving Quality and Safety” annual report and are featured on The Joint Commission website and on The Joint Commission's Quality Check® website.

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