The wait is over.
Now with the launch of our patient portal, you no longer need to wait to get access to your medical record and test results. All you need to do is enroll and sign in! Our patient portal offers a secure and confidential web-based tool for accessing your medical record.
The portal offers you the ability to do the following tasks once enrolled:
Store, Review, Share Health Records: Do you need to print out your medical records? Or did you want to share them with another physician? Now all you need to do is sign in and you can save your medical record to your computer or provide your physician’s direct email address to send he/she the information you need. It’s that simple.
Pre-register, Request and Cancel Appointments: Select appointments are currently available to request, pre-register and cancel all at the touch of your fingertips. Just sign in to see which services are available (currently all mammography, bone density and ultrasound appointments are available for request).
Review Your Lab and Radiology Results: Did you just get lab and other radiology tests and are you curious for the results? Sign in and you can see that information.
Review Your Visits and Medications: Confused about the medications discussed while at Stamford Hospital or not sure how to take them? View the lists of known medications prescribed while at the hospital. Important note: this list may not be fully comprehensive, so please stick to all medications that have been previously prescribed. DO NOT CHANGE or STOP taking any of your medications without consulting your provider(s) first.
Request Updates to Your Personal Information: Did you recently move? Change your name? Let us know, simply by sending us a message to manage your personal information.
See Visit History and Discharge Information: Forget the last time you were here? Or unsure about what our team directed you do upon your return home? The patient portal will help you remember!
Receive Updates When New Information is Available: You’ll receive an automatic notification when information has been updated to your health record.
Online Bill Pay: You can also pay your Stamford Hospital bills online.
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