Top 10 Ways To Prevent Infection
Published: October 18, 2021l
Asha K. Shah, MD, MS, Director of Infectious Diseases
Preventing the spread of infection is a team approach that starts with YOU. Here are the top ten ways you can take charge in this collaborative effort for your everyday life. Scroll all the way down for number one!
10. You wash your hands frequently… AND, you ask others to do the same, providing gentle reminders for them to do so when they may have forgotten.
9. You cover your cough or sneeze because you know that your germs can travel 3 feet or more!!! Use a tissue (once/throw away), the bend of your elbow, or your hands…and you wash your hands after.
8. You practice good environmental hygiene, cleaning kitchen and bathroom surfaces well; wash hands before and after handling food products; separate raw meat and poultry prep surfaces from uncooked vegetables (such as salad materials); pay attention to timely refrigeration, perishable product expiration dates. and appropriate cooking temperatures.
7. You received a flu vaccine this year and will do so for next year… and you encourage your family and your friends to do so as well.
6. You wear your mask and exercise social distancing where required and as appropriate, to help stop the spread of COVID-19.
5. You avoid misuse and overuse of antibiotics and question your healthcare providers why are you receiving one.
4. You ask for infection prevention when you have questions about preventing germ transmission.
3. You communicate infection control concerns and issues to your healthcare providers.
2. You wash your hands frequently…We know, we know…this was mentioned as #10 – that’s how important it is to wash your hands!
…and the #1 sign you are preventing the spread of infection is...
1. You are an Infection Prevention Role Model to your family and friends!
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