What You Need to Know About The Ebola Virus

Published: September 02, 2014

Since the Ebola virus broke out in March, there's been over 1900 cases and over 1,000 deaths in West Africa. The Centers For Disease Control is saying it's the biggest and most complex outbreak -- with cases in Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leone and Nigeria.

But what do we need to know about it here? Stamford Hospital's Dr. Michael Parry says residents shouldn't worry.

"Because it's not airborne, it's contact. You'd have to be in contact with a person or body fluids of that person or in a hospital processing or handling blood or bodily fluids. That's how you're at risk of Ebola," said Dr. Parry, director of infectious disease and microbiology at Stamford Hospital.

However, the hospital is prepared ,Stamford's been briefed on what to do if there ever was a patient with Ebola here. So now in addition to hospital staff, Stamford EMS, fire, health and public safety departments are prepared.

Read the full article and watch Dr.Parry's video interview on Ebola Virus above.

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