5 Questions With: Joseph Feuerstein, MD

Published: May 06, 2015

By Joseph Feuerstein, MD

1) Tell us a little about yourself: What made you want to become a doctor?

I had wanted to be a physician since I was 10 years old – so I was lucky to know that that was to be my path from an early age, I studied medicine at the University of London and business management at the University of Cambridge, I then did a trauma surgery and general surgery internship at a Tel Aviv teaching hospital before serving as a combat physician in 2 elite units of the Israeli navy. I emigrated to the USA in 2012, did my residency in family medicine at the Stamford Hospital, Columbia University Family Medicine Residency Program and then a fellowship in integrative medicine at the University of Arizona. I now run an insurance based consultation service, do clinical research on nutrition and herbs and teach as an assistant professor at Columbia.

2) Why did you choose Integrative medicine?

I want to treat the whole person, - mind body spirit.

3) What types of conditions to you most commonly treat?

Obesity, diabetes, cancer, auto-immune disease, depression cholesterol and the weird and wonderful!!

4) What is the most rewarding part of your job?

I get to work with my friends, meet patients every day and feel that I am serving my purpose in life.

5) What recent accomplishment are you most proud of?

Receiving the Award for Excellence in Clinical Research – I spend a lot of my own time doing clinically relevant studies and it is very rewarding to have such recognition.

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