Build Trust and the Rest Will Get Done – My Interview with The Journal of Nursing Administration

Published: July 18, 2023

Recently, I had the privilege to speak with Melora Ferron, Vice President of Learning & Development at Indiana University Health, about my journey as a health care professional and leader for JONA: The Journal of Nursing Administration.

We talked about my career which began at the bedside as a neonatal ICU nurse to where I am today as President & CEO at Stamford Health. The article covers how impactful mentorship has been to my career, the importance of building trust and how prioritizing culture over outcomes has led to success at Stamford Health.

We also talked about the greatest challenges facing health care organizations today, spoiler alert, there are many! Despite those challenges, health care is still an amazing field, industry and profession where individuals can find meaning in their work and be lifelong learners.

I encourage you to read the article, my thanks to Melora and JONA!

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