Stroke: Reduce, Recognize, Respond

Published: May 09, 2016

By: Sarah Mulukutla, MD, MPH and Grace Capone, RN, BSN, Nurse Manager-Quality, Stroke Program Coordinator

As you may already be aware, stroke occurs when there is a lack of blood flow to the brain. This can happen when the blood vessel is either blocked by a clot or bursts.

With stroke being the fourth leading cause of death in the United States and the leading cause of disability, this disease affects millions of people. Help us raise awareness of stroke!

Together, let’s remember the 3 R’s:

  • Reduce your risk for stroke by controlling those risk factors that you can.
  • Recognize signs and symptoms of stroke
  • Respond at the first signs of stroke. Call 911.

There are modifiable and non-modifiable risk factors for stroke: things you may be able to control and things you may not. Unfortunately, the risk factors that cannot be controlled are age, sex, race, prior stroke and family history. However, there are risk factors that can be treated with the help of services offered at Stamford Health’s Stroke Center:

What can you do in the short-term to reduce the likelihood of stroke?

  • Know your blood pressure, cholesterol and diabetic A1C numbers.
  • Have your blood pressure checked regularly. If your numbers are high, work with your physician to better control them.
  • If you smoke, stop for these reasons. We offer a comprehensive smoking cessation program, so commit to quit today.
  • If you drink alcohol, do so in moderation.
  • Include exercise in your daily routine.
  • Enjoy a lower sodium, lower fat diet.

How much do you know about stroke? Test your knowledge here.

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