5 Questions With Robert Weiss, Podiatry

Published: July 26, 2017


1. Why did you choose Stamford Health Medical Group?
I have practiced in the area for a number of years utilizing other hospitals, but was thrilled when the opportunity came along to be a part of the Stamford Hospital which is a progressive and advanced leading institution.

2. What made you become a podiatrist? What do you like most about your work?
I suffered as a young man from serious foot and knee problems. I have made it my life's' work to use the opportunity to engage in a healthy range of activities.
I have spent over 25 years in research development and clinical testing of a patented, high-tech, biomechanical orthotic for aiding with walking, sports and general foot comfort. With the help of the patented product I went on to compete in 35 marathons. The most gratifying aspect of my work is to alleviate one's pain.

3. What is one philosophy by which you live?
My hope is to alleviate foot and ankle ailments and to educate patients in the proper treatment programs providing the highest quality of care available. The greatest gift one can have is to help another human being.

4. What's the most rewarding aspect of your job in general?
As an inventor who holds 2 U.S. patents (with a third patent pending) for a foot support system/orthotics which stabilizes the foot and ankle as it relates to knee, hip, and lower back symptoms, [it's the many] years of patients' gratitude, appreciation and thanks.

5. What recent accomplishments are you proud of, personally or professionally?
Along with the above mentioned patents, I get great enjoyment when writing my columns, and have written hundreds of articles on sports medicine related injuries, for The Norwalk Hour, The Hersam Acorn Press, The Westport News, Darien News, New Canaan & Greenwich Sentinel and more recently for Stamford Health's Healthflash Blog. Many know me as "The Running Doctor."

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