Stamford Health Volunteer Spotlight: Mariah Pettway

Published: February 29, 2024

Stamford Health is thankful for the many volunteers that make a difference at the hospital every day. Our staff ensures that our volunteers are well-matched and well-recognized for their individual strengths and talents, with a fit for everyone — from teenagers to adults! Today, we're spotlighting Mariah Pettway, who volunteers in Stamford Hospital. We hope her story may inspire you to volunteer; you can learn more about our volunteer opportunities here.

Thank you for all the work you do for Stamford Health! Tell us about your volunteer work.

I have been volunteering at Stamford Hospital for seven years now. At first, I began delivering the newspapers. Now, I put together and distribute our Patient Handbook folders, full of important information for our patients. I deliver the folders to every floor of the tower. It’s a lot of walking!

What do you typically do on your shifts?

I volunteer on Monday & Wednesday for an hour and a half each day. I stuff the folders, make sure everything is correct, and deliver to our tower floors. I interact with patients, doctors – everyone knows me!

Why did you become a volunteer?

I found out about volunteering at the hospital through Always Reaching for Independence (ARI) of Connecticut. It sounded like it would be fun! I like interacting with everyone and knowing that I have a positive impact on everyone’s day.

Do you have any advice for others looking to get involved?

It’s fun! I love volunteering at the hospital – I would recommend anyone give it a try.

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