Learning from Where We Have Been from Kathleen Silard, President & CEO

Published: November 16, 2020

Much has changed since our community first confronted COVID-19 this past spring. What has not changed is my commitment to being transparent with all members of the Stamford Health community – physicians, staff, local residents, patients, donors and legislators. I greatly value the opportunities I have had to share my thoughts, both in writing and during socially distanced conversations, and am perhaps even more grateful for the candid responses I have received.

As I look toward the holidays, both concern and confidence fill my thoughts. While it is indisputable that COVID-19 cases are on the rise nationally, in our community and at Stamford Health, I have also been personally involved in the plans we have put in place to effectively care for patients and keep our staff safe should a surge occur.  

During the summer and into the fall, each aspect of Stamford Health’s COVID-19 response was rigorously analyzed, and plans and processes were put in place to leverage what we did well and address opportunities for improvement. This includes everything from how best to utilize PPE, to how to rapidly reconfigure facilities to create optimal care environments, to understanding how to care for our staff so that they can care for our patients.

There is no question that we will be prepared. However, the amount of energy and focus that Stamford Health places on treatment must be matched by our community’s collective focus on prevention. Recently, my own family sat down and had a very serious conversation about our activities and their impacts on others. I urge you to have similar conversations with your loved ones, especially as we approach Thanksgiving.

Similarly, I am reminding everyone around me to follow the 4Ws: Wear your mask, Watch your distance, Wash your hands and Wipe down surfaces. These have been and will continue to be effective if each of us dedicates ourselves to these behaviors and sets the example for family and friends. I also encourage you not to delay regular care – like a flu shot or annual physical – and other needed treatments or follow-ups. Keeping yourself healthy is an important part of disease prevention.

While we may not have perfect knowledge about the future, we can certainly learn from the recent past. Here at Stamford Health, we will be using every bit of knowledge gained early this year to be prepared for what the fall and winter may bring. Most importantly, please know that it’s safe to come to Stamford Health for the care you need. I wish you an enjoyable and healthy holiday season.


Kathleen Silard, MS, BSN, RN, FACHE
President & CEO, Stamford Health

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