Maternal Fetal Medicine & Perinatologists

Expert Care For High Risk Pregnancies

Call us at 203-276-7060 or request an appointment below.

Our Approach

You can rely on our Maternal-Fetal Medicine team, part of the comprehensive wellness services offered by Stamford Health’s Women’s Specialty Center.

When pregnancy carries health risks, you want the best care for you and your developing baby. Have you been told, or are you concerned, that your pregnancy may be at “high risk?” You may know that your pregnancy is at risk for complications from the beginning. In other cases, a condition can develop unexpectedly while you’re pregnant.

Fortunately, most medically complicated pregnancies end with the delivery of a healthy baby by a healthy mother.


Our specialist physicians, called perinatologists, possess specific expertise in the management of  the following pregnancy concerns:

  • Preexisting medical conditions like diabetes, high blood pressure, asthma, epilepsy and lupus
  • Complications in prior pregnancies such as miscarriage, preterm birth, preeclampsia, previous cesarean  and stillbirth
  • Pregnancy after in vitro fertilization (IVF)
  • Concerns regarding diseases in your baby such as birth defects or genetic conditions
  • A family history of genetic diseases, birth defects or childhood conditions
  • Complications in the current pregnancy such as preeclampsia, bleeding or preterm labor
  • Concerns about your baby’s growth or condition
  • Multiple gestations (twins or triplets)
  • Behavioral health conditions like anxiety, depression, bipolar disease or post-traumatic stress disorder
  • Concerns regarding environmental or medication exposures
  • Infections complicating pregnancy

Our experts are available to  work with you and with your physician throughout your pregnancy- and may even be able to assist and counsel you before becoming pregnant. In addition to coordinating care with your OBGYN and other specialists , as needed, our physicians can provide you with a program of fetal testing services tailored to your individual needs.

Services may include:

  • 2D, 3D and 4D ultrasound
  • Doppler ultrasound to measure blood flow
  • Transvaginal ultrasound
  • Genetic counseling and screening
  • Prenatal diagnostic testing (Amniocentesis, Chorionic Villus sampling)
  • Fetal biophysical profile

It’s our goal to ensure that your and your baby’s health is in good hands. Our team is near Stamford Hospital’s award-winning labor and delivery unit and ready to assist if unexpected complications arise. Your doctor will be on call 24/7 and here to support your pregnancy, delivery and homecoming for both you and your baby.

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