
We’re here to help. If you have questions or need assistance, call 203.276.7298 .

What Are Hospitalists?

Hospitalists are physicians who work closely with your regular doctor to help you get well quicker, return home sooner, and have an overall more positive stay here at Stamford Health.

You can expect our board-certified team of Physicians and Physician Extenders (Nurse Practitioners and Physician Assistants) to:

  • Provide direct care and expertise
  • Be on-site and available 24/7
  • See you through, from admission to discharge, and return home
  • Spend extended time with you to ensure the best possible care
  • Coordinate all lab work and diagnostic tests, as well as interpret results
  • Work with your primary care physician to create a personalized treatment plan

If you don’t have a Primary Care Physician, our Hospitalists at Stamford Health will serve as your liaisons to our physician referral service. They’ll also respond to any inpatient calls for assistance and lead the Rapid Response teams if a patient has a change in condition.

Pediatric Hospitalists

We make sure your children are given the best in care, too. Our trained pediatric hospitalists are also on-site 24/7 to work with your child in all areas of the hospital. Pediatric hospitalists:

  • Work directly with your child’s pediatrician
  • Provide your child with 24/7 inpatient care
  • Stay involved in every aspect, from admission to discharge
  • Ensure a seamless transition after discharge back to your child’s physician


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