Our Approach
If you or your loved one needs neurology care, Stamford Health’s physicians have the expertise and compassion to treat issues relating to the brain, spinal cord, or nervous system. Our team is dedicated to high-performing, safe, quality care.
Meet Our Providers
Neurology Services Offered
All About Our Diagnostic Neurology Testing
Our testing is completed in-house with the most advanced technology to ensure the most accurate diagnosis.
Conditions We Treat
Our board-certified neurologists, many with fellowship training, have extensive experience with the conditions below.
ALZHEIMER’S DISEASEA type of dementia that affects the brain and nervous system, worsening over time.
BRAIN OR SPINAL TUMORSA tumor, or mass of abnormal cell growth, that forms along the spinal cord or in the brain.
CEREBROVASCULAR DISEASEDisease of the brain’s blood vessels that can cause stroke or transient ischemic attack (TIA), a short-term loss of blood flow to the brain.
CONCUSSIONAn injury to the brain caused by a blow to the head, or by striking the head on another object. It may result in loss of consciousness or confusion, but the effects usually resolve in a few hours or days.
DIZZINESSA common symptom that may be a result of a concussion, balance disorder, vertigo, headaches, or another cause.
ENCEPHALITISInflammation of the brain, which can result in mental confusion and seizures.
EPILEPSYDisorder with seizures, or a burst of abnormal electrical signals over a short period of time.
HEADACHES & MIGRAINESHeadaches are pain in and around the head and face caused by nerves, muscles, or blood vessels in the head and shoulder. Migraines are intense, recurrent headaches with additional symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to light and sound.
MENINGITISInflammation of the membranes surrounding the brain.
MOVEMENT DISORDERSDisorders that cause voluntary and involuntary movements to speed up or slow down. A feeling of a loss of control of the body is often noticed.
MULTIPLE SCLEROSISA slowly progressive disease of the central nervous system that damages the protective covering of nerve fibers, which leads to multiple physical problems.
MYELITISTransverse myelitis is a neurological condition that happens when the spinal cord becomes inflamed, which can damage myelin, or the insulating material that covers your nerves.
NECK & BACK PAINPain in the neck or back that may be a result of overuse or strenuous activity, trauma or injury, breakdown of vertebrae, infection, tumor, obesity, and more.
NERVOUS SYSTEM INFECTIONSInfections of the nervous system including meningitis, encephalitis, myelitis, and epidural abscess.
NEUROPATHYNerve damage that affects the ability to feel and move.
NEURO-TRAUMATrauma to the nervous system such as a head injury or acute spinal cord injury. These require immediate clinical care.
PARKINSON’S DISEASECaused by the loss of brain cells that make dopamine, a substance that helps with smooth and coordinated muscle movement. Parkinson’s, which slowly becomes worse over time, can also cause tremors, stiffness, slowness of movement, and problems with balance and coordination.
PERIPHERAL NERVE INJURIESInjuries to the peripheral nervous system, or network of nerves that send information from the brain and spinal cord to the rest of the body.
STROKEAlso known as a brain attack, stroke occurs when blood flow to the brain is stopped.
SYNCOPEFainting, or brief loss of consciousness and muscle tone, when not enough blood gets to the brain.
TRAUMATIC BRAIN INJURYOccurs with a sudden violent event that damages the brain. Common causes include motor vehicle accidents, violence, and sports.