
We understand that female incontinence and other pelvic issues can be a sensitive topic to many women. Our team offers caring support and treatment in the form of comprehensive consultation and medical condition management. More often than not, these problems are easily solvable, and mostly by way of non-surgical options.

What Is Urogynecology?

Urogynecology is a medical specialty that is committed to helping women with disorders that may affect the bladder, the vagina or the rectum. Our urogynecologists are board certified in both gynecologic surgery and urogynecology. They specialize in minimally invasive surgery for both pelvic floor and benign gynecologic conditions. In addition, our team offers pelvic floor physical therapy and a state of the art diagnostic laboratory for the complete evaluation of complex pelvic floor problems.

What Conditions Do Urogynecologists Treat?

  • Urinary incontinence
  • Pelvic organ prolapse
  • Fecal incontinence
  • Overactive bladder
  • Interstitial cystitis

Urogynecological Testing

Our specialized diagnostic laboratory features an array of technologically advanced diagnostic equipment that enables us to identify and treat a variety of urogynecological illnesses and conditions.

Diagnostic Tests Include:
  • Multichannel urodynamics: a series of different measurements of bladder function that help determine the cause of certain conditions. We use catheters to measure bladder pressure and urine output. Most women describe it as uncomfortable, but not painful.
  • Electromyography: a test that checks the health of the pelvic muscles. We insert a very small needle electrode that measures the electrical activity of muscle tissue.
  • Cystourethroscopy: an endoscopic procedure that enables the doctor to examine the interior of the bladder and, if necessary, take tissue samples for biopsy.

Each of these tests can be performed in our comfortable office setting. With this sophisticated technology, you can expect an accurate diagnosis and a comprehensive, personalized treatment plan.

Non-Surgical Urogynecological Treatment

  • Pelvic Rehabilitation: Our specialized program uses neuromuscular stimulation and muscle contraction biofeedback to repair the function of the pelvic floor. This program has been particularly useful in women suffering from urinary incontinence and overactive bladder.
  • Medical Therapy: New drugs make it possible to identify and treat the specific molecular cause of a patient's lower urinary tract symptoms. These advances have been particularly helpful to women suffering from interstitial cystitis and refractory overactive bladder.

Our Physicians

Brian J. Hines
Urogynecology and Pelvic Reconstructive Surgery

(203) 276-4524

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Jaclyn  Muñoz
Urogynecology and Pelvic Reconstructive Surgery

(203) 276-4850

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Katherine  Sandhu
Urogynecology and Pelvic Reconstructive Surgery

(203) 276-4524

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