Scholarly Activities

During the three years of residency training, the Family Medicine residents have numerous opportunities to pursue scholarly activity. Such activity may be in the form of case presentations, clinical research or quality improvement projects that can be presented at regional and national meetings.

All first-year residents will complete Collaborative Institute Training Initiative (CITI) training. Stamford Hospital holds an annual research day in the spring where all residents can participate. The Connecticut Academy of Family Physicians holds an annual Resident Research Day where residents can present their work and meet residents at other programs in the state. Additionally, residents in the program complete a Patient Safety and Quality Improvement (PSQI) presentation.   

Our residents have the opportunity to work in teams, where they learn from and also mentor others in scholarly activity. Residents can use the scholarly activity project to spend more time on topics or issues that are important to them, but may not really fit into the standard curriculum. 

The Stamford Hospital has a robust amount of active research.

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