Internal Medicine Residency Program Scholarly Activity

Internal Medicine Residency Program’s Scholarly Activity

During their three years of residency training the Internal Medicine residents have numerous opportunities to pursue scholarly activity. Such activity may be in the format of clinical research, quality improvement projects, grant applications, presentation of their research projects or clinical vignettes at international, national and regional meetings.

Stamford Hospital sponsors an annual research day in the spring where all residents are required to participate. Additionally, each academic year residents in the program complete a one week rotation in Patient Safety and Quality Improvement (PSQI). While on this rotation they meet with the Director of the Office of Research at Stamford Hospital for advisement while working on their research or quality improvement projects. The PSQI rotation also provides residents the opportunity to complete online modules on patient safety, quality improvement and research.

As a result of these efforts the Internal Medicine Residency Program has a robust amount of active research. The quality of which has allowed residents to present their work at international, national and regional meetings as well as publish their scholarly activity along with the faculty.

2022 – 2023 Scholarly Activity Highlights


  • Diabetes Care
  • Journal of the Endocrine Society
  • Diabetic Medicine
  • Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology
  • Japan Medical Association Journal
  • The Southern Medical Association Journal
  • Journal of CT Medicine
  • Journal of Community Hospital Internal Medicine Perspectives
  • Critical Care Medicine
  • Journal of Critical Care


  • American College of Gastroenterology Annual Meeting
  • CHEST Fall Meeting
  • American Heart Association Meeting
  • ACGME Annual Educational Conference
  • American Thoracic Society
  • American College of Physicians Annual Meeting
  • American College of Cardiology


  • ACP-CT Annual Scientific Session (24)
    • Clinical Research Posters (3)
    • Clinical Vignette Posters (21)
  • CT Chapter American College of Cardiology Annual Meeting
    • Clinical Vignette Posters (1)
  • Stamford Hospital’s 7th Annual Research Day (28)
    • Clinical Research Posters (5)
    • Clinical Vignette Posters (23)


  • Stamford Health 8th Annual Research Day (29)
    • Clinical Research Posters (5)
    • Clinical Vignette Posters (23)
    • Oral Presentations (1)


  • Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
  • I-PASS

Stamford Health's Department of Research and Discovery is an experienced, multi-faceted team that provides key assistance for many pharmaceutical and federally funded research trials.

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