Prolonged COVID-19 Symptoms

Just as COVID-19 affects everyone differently, recovery is also very different for each person. Many people experience ongoing health issues even when COVID-19 is no longer found in their system, and even if they don’t have any underlying medical conditions. If this sounds familiar to you, please don’t delay seeking care that can make a difference in your continued recovery.

There is still a lot doctors are trying to learn about the COVID-19 infection such as these unexplained ongoing symptoms weeks, or even months, after a negative second test:

  • Abdominal pain, diarrhea and/or nausea and vomiting
  • Chest pain
  • Confusion
  • Cough
  • Difficult or labored breathing
  • Fatigue, sometimes called chronic fatigue or myalgic encephalomyelitis
  • Headache, body ache, chills, fever
  • Loss of taste and/or smell
  • Sore throat, congestion

Beyond the most common physical symptoms, however, COVID-19 can also negatively impact quality of life and function in family, social and work aspects. That’s where our experienced team comes in, ready to treat you in mind, body and spirit.

Our Approach to Recovery

At Stamford Health’s Center for Integrative Medicine & Wellness, we are focused on helping you regain your strength after COVID-19 infection with evidence-based treatment options that fit your lifestyle.

Rely on our experienced group of physicians to customize a COVID-19 recovery plan that works for you and respects your needs, preferences and values.

Do You Qualify?

If you are no longer infected with the COVID-19 virus but still have ongoing symptoms, we would be happy to schedule an initial assessment in our safe, soothing and comforting environment. 

At the Center for Integrative Medicine and Wellness, we accept most insurance plans, including Medicare. We will bill your carrier directly and will coordinate all coverage details as necessary. We always recommend you first contact your insurance with any questions before you begin treatment.

Treatment Plans We Offer

When you come in for treatment, we’ll ask about your lifestyle before COVID so we can tailor your treatment plan exactly to you, and only you. Your doctor at the Center for Integrative Medicine and Wellness will explain our evidence-based approach which may consist of any or all of the following: 

  • Pain management options without the use of opioid drugs.
  • Mind-body stress reduction—we encourage self-care such as breathing work, muscle relaxation and guided imagery to reduce anxiety. 
  • Diet management—we focus on the benefits of consuming anti-inflammatory foods as based on the Mediterranean diet. Our team will advise you on foods to avoid and any dietary supplements to incorporate into your daily routine.
  • Lifestyle medicine—we promote exercise and good sleep habits as part of your daily lifestyle to aid in your recovery.
  • Any other integrative therapies from which you may benefit on your path to recovery.

Your schedule of appointments may look like this:

  • An initial assessment over the phone or in-person, depending on your comfort level. At this appointment, we will create a treatment plan for you.
  • A follow-up appointment each week for four weeks where we will discuss how you have been feeling, and reassess the need for any additional treatment going forward.

We look forward to working with you to manage your health throughout your COVID-19 recovery journey.

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