Athletic Injuries in Children

Published: June 19, 2017

By Robert Weiss, DPM

In many cases, there is a predisposition for injuries that occur in adolescent athletes. Here are some telltale signs that may help to prevent future injuries in a child:

  • Your child tends to stumble or even trip while walking or running
  • One shoulder is lower than the other
  • The hips are asymmetrical when walking or running
  • The knees point inward or outward rather than straight ahead
  • The feet turn in or out while walking or running
  • There is an early heel-off with all the weight going to the ball of the foot
  • When your child stands, the arches are very high or extremely flat
  • Your child complains of cramps that wake him or her in the night, or muscle spasms in the feet and legs
  • Your child has noticeable hammertoes, bunions or boney enlargements in the forefoot or rear foot
  • The pattern on his or her shoes appears to be worn down on the outside or inside

If you see any of these signs, you may want to consider professional evaluation as prevention is the best form of treatment.

Who is at risk for athletic injuries? 

The group of pre-teens and teens who play two or more sports are a great cause of concern, as there is a greater chance of overuse injuries. There is also a greater chance of injury to the epiphysis, or growth center of bone. Injury to the epiphysis of the heel, knee or hip can cause a disturbance in the bone formation. The growing pains of children are, at times, due to the pain of the apophyseal (heel growth plate) injury.

Many of the gait abnormalities can be helped by stretching and strengthening exercises, conditioning programs, ice therapy, cross training and biomechanical orthotic shoe inserts, which should control the problem and allow your child to continue with his or her favorite sport.


Dr. Robert F. Weiss is a podiatrist specializing in foot and ankle surgery with a practice in Darien, affiliated with Stamford Hospital and member of Stamford Health Medical Group-Foot & Ankle Institute. A member of the Medical Advisory Committee of the 1984 and 1988 Olympic Marathon Trials, he is a veteran of 35 marathons.

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