Rod Acosta 600x650

Chief Physician Executive, President and CEO, Stamford Health Medical Group

Dr Bhalla 600x650

Senior Vice President, Clinical Affairs & Quality, and Chief Clinical & Quality Officer

Ruth Cardiello 600x650

Senior Vice President, Chief Risk Officer and Corporate Compliance & Privacy Officer

Aurelio Gracia 600x650

Senior Vice President, Chief Information Officer

Ellen Komar 600x650rev

Senior Vice President, Patient Care Services & Chief Nursing Officer

liz longmore 600x650

Senior Vice President, Chief Operating Officer

Sal Mancino 600x650

Senior Vice President, Human Resources & Organization Development and Chief Human Resources Officer

Chris Riendeau 600x650

Senior Vice President, Fund Development

Michael Veillette 600x650

Senior Vice President, Chief Financial Officer

Ben Wade 600x650

Senior Vice President, Strategy & Marketing and Chief Strategy Officer

Vice President, Human Resources
paul golino 600x650

Vice President, Finance & Managed Care

phaughley IMG 9626 600 685rev2
Vice President, Operations
steve micolo 600x650
Vice President, Marketing & Communications
irene ondieki IMGnew
Vice President, Patient Care Services

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