Adult Congenital Heart Disease

Expert cardiac care to meet the complex needs of adults living with congenital heart disease. We’re here to help. If you have questions or need assistance, call 203.276.4413

Expert Cardiac Care To Meet The Complex Needs Of Adults Living With Congenital Heart Disease.

If you’re one of the million and a half adults in the United States with congenital heart disease (a heart disease that you were born with) you need an experienced cardiologist who understands how childhood heart disease can affect you later in life. You may have one or several of the 35 different types of adult congenital heart disease (ACHD), with one or a combination of heart problems. If you underwent heart surgery as a child, you may have since developed problems such as heart failure, pulmonary hypertension, or a heart rhythm disorder such as atrial fibrillation. Or, you may be a newly diagnosed adult patient with a congenital heart defect that was undiscovered until now, after you started to develop symptoms.

Whatever your particular situation, you can receive advanced care here at the Heart and Vascular Institute (HVI), where world-class experts join together to bring you the very latest gold-standard approaches to ACHD. Our cardiologists understand the unique anatomy of an adult patient with congenital heart disease. They possess the experience and expertise in diagnosing and treating ACHD patients with sophisticated modalities that include echocardiography, interventional cardiac catheterization, electrophysiology and complex congenital heart surgery.

  • Why Choose Us
  • Diagnostic Testing
  • Conditions
  • A multidisciplinary team of experts collaborate to provide you with an individualized diagnosis and treatment plan. The HVI’s ACHD program is led by Marlon S. Rosenbaum, MD, Associate Professor of Medicine and Pediatrics at Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons and Director of the Schneeweiss Adult Congenital Heart Center at Columbia University Medical Center.
  • Your complete evaluation is performed right here at the HVI with state-of-the-art diagnostic imaging equipment, enabling you to obtain a timely and accurate evaluation.
  • We have the expertise and capabilities to treat many ACHD conditions here at HVI. For more complex interventions, you have seamless access to the ACHD program at Columbia, where you can receive the most innovative ACDH therapies.
  • Cardiac catheterization
  • Cardiopulmonary stress testing
  • Congenital echocardiography
  • CT angiography

Learn More

We evaluate a full spectrum of adult congenital heart diseases including:

If you are a woman with ACHD and are pregnant or considering pregnancy: We can assess whether or not you can safely get pregnant or whether you are likely to have any problems related to your heart condition. We can provide treatment that will make pregnancy safer and monitor you throughout your pregnancy. We closely collaborate with Stamford Health maternal fetal medicine physicians to ensure that you have a healthy and safe pregnancy.

Our Physicians

Eric L Alter
Cardiovascular Disease

(203) 353-1133

Ricardo J Benenstein
Cardiovascular Disease

(203) 348-7410

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Salvatore  Carbonaro
Cardiovascular Disease

(203) 348-7410

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Edward T Carreras
Cardiovascular Disease

(203) 683-5100

Joonun  Choi
Cardiovascular Disease

(203) 348-7410

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Evelyn J Cusack
Cardiovascular Disease

(203) 348-7410

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Gregory R. D'Onofrio
Cardiovascular Disease

(203) 348-7410

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Sandhya  Dhruvakumar
Cardiovascular Disease, Clinical Cardiac Electrophysiology

(203) 276-2321

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Arzhang  Fallahi
Interventional Cardiology, Structural Heart Disease, Cardiovascular Disease

(203) 348-7410

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