Internal Medicine Residency Schedule

2023-2024 Block Curriculum Schedule by PG Year


    In-Patient Medicine/Floors 20 weeks
    Night Medicine/Floors 4 weeks
    ICU Medicine 6 weeks
    Elective/Selective 18 weeks

    • Ambulatory Medicine/Clinic (10 weeks)
    • Pulmonary/Critical care selective (2 weeks)
    • Patient Safety & Quality Improvement (1 week)
    • Other Electives (5 weeks)

    Vacation 4 weeks


    In-Patient Medicine/Floors 12 weeks
    Night Medicine/Floors 4 weeks
    ICU Medicine 8 weeks
    Elective/Selective 24 weeks

    • Ambulatory Medicine/Clinic (10 weeks)
    • Consult Medicine (1 week)
    • Geriatrics Elective (2 weeks)
    • Neurology (2 weeks)
    • Patient Safety & Quality Improvement (1 week)
    • Office Ambulatory (1 week)
    • Social Determinants of Health (1 week)
    • Other Electives (6 weeks)

    Vacation 4 weeks

  • PGY-3 Schedule

    In-Patient Medicine/Floors 10 weeks
    Night Medicine/Floors 4 weeks
    ICU Medicine 6 weeks
    Elective/Selective 28 weeks

    • Ambulatory Medicine/Clinic (8 weeks)
    • Emergency Medicine (2 weeks)
    • Neurology Elective (2 weeks)
    • Urgent Care (2 weeks)
    • Pain and Palliative Medicine (2 weeks)
    • Patient Safety & Quality Improvement (1 week)
    • Board Review (1 week)
    • Teaching (1 week)
    • Other Electives (9 weeks)

    Vacation 4 weeks

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