0000000000 L
Enrique recently retired after thirty-five years from the investment management industry.
Executive Vice President and Chief Information Officer at Gartner
dumasa IMG 2328 600 685 V3
Founder and Managing Partner of Chasm Partners
ebright IMG 8262 600 685 V3
Director of Thoracic Surgery at Stamford Health
Lucy galbraith IMG 3431 600 684
Co-Founder and Managing Member of Kindred Capital Advisors
President & Chief Executive Officer of the Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation (MMRF)
hackett IMG 3363 V3
Senior Advisor of Warburg Pincus
israel IMG 2568 600 685 V3
Primary Care Physician at Stamford Health Medical Group
madhoun IMG 2675 600 685 V3
Medical Director of Operations at Stamford Health
martino IMG 2355 600 685
Chief Human Resources Officer at BIC
silard PREFFERED IMAGE 20220912 Freeda 186 600 685 V3
President and Chief Executive Officer at Stamford Health
spooner IMG 2636 600 685 V3
Chief Financial Officer for BIC
Co-Founder of Thomas, McNerney & Partners
zea IMG 2721 600 685 V3
Co-Founder and Managing Partner at JUEL

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